Monday, February 8, 2010

When we last left our hero...

He was standing at a crossroads on his way to work.

The pent up feelings of things being out of his control where getting to him.

When he got to work all was well but the feeling...would not go away.

Finally at work he just decided "if you can't beat them, join them" and he let himself go and actually have work? yes. it CAN happen.

I am not saying that this will ever happen again, but the fact of the matter is that it did happen once.

And prayer works. Works well.

So prayer is starting to help me learn that I really am not in poer of myself. Infact I really have no power at all...and I am fine with that. It is hard having to make all the decisions sometimes. I will gloadly give all mo troubles to God. I am pretty sure he knows better how to take care of them than I do.

So the house is having a sad moment. My Uncle Herman passed away. He was very sick with cancer and he died in his sleep. I don't know everything but I think it was pretty peaceful and I know he is in a better place than you or I.

So just remember my gran in your prayers, as well as my mom. Mom is heartbroken.

Well I am going to drink some tea, practice my knitting, think, shower and sleep.

I love you all. Even the ugly ones.

1 comment:

  1. It's comforting to me to know that God is in control. If I were in control that would be scary. Still, I sometimes forget it. Thanks for posting.
