Wednesday, February 3, 2010

January 3rd Cont.

For some reason it is really hard for me to believe that it is only Wednesday. I mean what is up with this week that it decided to play games with me. Silly February.

So I ate one little piece of shrimp yesterday, and I got the worst guilt from it. I am trying this whole vegitarian thing out and I really want to make it stick...but its hard. And having to work with bacon doesn't help. The other dayt at work I was fixing a bacon wrapped scallop roll and the smell of the bacon literally almost made me into a mad man.

In other veggie related news, as someone who used to be hot all the time...I am really begining to keep a constant chill. Parts of me wonder if this is part of my new diet...or if I am just becoming an old man....luckily for me I have stock in Grandpa sweaters.

So in other life news I am reading like a mad man to get my personal reading out of the way because come April, school begins for me again as I work my way to a degree in Sociology or Religion...I cant decide yet...but I have time.

So I dont have a day off this week. I find this out last night at midnight....I want to be upset but it will all be good. I have a way to make it worth it. I'll donate the time to charity.

Anyway I am off to get ready for work.

I love you all.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a veggie but I eat fish. Every so often (once every three months or so) I'll eat chicken or something. I figure it's good to keep my system somewhat acclimated to it. Don't feel guilty, maybe you needed the protein. At least it's so much easier to be a vegetarian these days. Good luck!
    -Holly Renee
